Part 3 is about reassembling the front truck.
Setting one of our new springs (from Benz Springs) into a side frame. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Part of the Front Truck Project was to check for wear and build up any worn areas. Dale Birkholz is de-burring a slot in the spring hanger. Photo by Terry Thompson.
With a spring hanger in the slot in the spring bundle, Jon LaTendresse sets the bottom keeper in its place. Photo by Terry Thompson.
After snugging up, the bottom part of the spring hanger looks like this. Photo by Terry Thompson.
With spring bundles set into both side frames, Linda Vanderbeck sets the wheelsets onto the track. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Roy Jones and Jim Vanderbeck lube the contact areas. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Roy Jones, Jim Vanderbeck and Bob Vanderbeck steady the axles as the side frame is lowered onto them. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Dale Birkholz rounds an edge just a little to ease the entry. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Roy Jones and Jim Vanderbeck steady the axle as the side frame is lowered. Photo by Terry Thompson.
The other side goes a little easier. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Bob Vanderbeck holds a wear plate still as Roy Jones smears some grease on it. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Preparing to set the main frame on. The wear plates will fit on the blocks at the front corners and similar blocks at the rear. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Positioning the main frame. Photo by Terry Thompson.
Spring weather in Portland is uncertain. Thankfully finished with our work for this day, we roll the front truck back in the round house just ahead of a 20 degree drop in temp and a lashing rainstorm. Photo by Terry Thompson.
There's plenty more to do, since the lateral motion device and the brake rigging await our attentions, but we've got the big pieces back together and inside the roundhouse again. Photo by Terry Thompson.