Charlie Harrison smooths the spot on the grid to be measured.
Don Wheeler calls out a reading
This is a sample of our data sheet.
The part of the backhead below the cab floor has to be tested too. John Cox emulates Houdini as he gets that job done.
Don Wheeler records a reading for the backhead below the cab floor..
Linda Vanderbeck, John Cox, and Don Matlock.
A sequence of photos with John Cox reading and Linda Vanderbeck recording. Photo by Dale Birkholz
Photo by Dale Birkholz
Here's a sample reading. This spot was specified to be 9/16" or 0.5625 in. The reading of 0.661 suggests it was originally 11/16" or 0.6875 Photo by Dale Birkholz
Here John is on the other side of the tube sheet, inside the boiler. Photo by Dale Birkholz