Terry Kimzey and Walt Eisenman discuss a washout plug while Charlie Harrison works on a blowdown valve. On the catwalk above, Terry Thompson and David Thompson wirebrush the staybolt caps. Photo by Dale Birkholz
Steve Speer wirebrushing the boiler shell. Photo by Dale Birkholz
Terry Thompson wirebrushing staybolt caps. Photo by Dale Birkholz
In late March, after sand blasting, ultrasound testing, dye penetrant testing, we wash the sand out of the boiler. Water is coming out the mudring-level washout plug hole in front of Bob Vanderbeck. Jim Vanderbeck is inside the firebox welding the floor plates back down. While Dale was taking a series of photos, we joked about possible captions: "Sparkling Water", "Fire Water". Photo by Dale Birkholz
Jim Vanderbeck grinding. SP 4449 at left. Photo by Dale Birkholz
Jim Vanderbeck grinding. Photo by Dale Birkholz
2000 March. Linda Vanderbeck and David Thompson cleaning the firebox after repairs. Photo by Terry Thompson
2000 April. After the sandblasting, Walt Eisenman is washing around the outside of the combustion chamber. Photo by Terry Thompson